Many people are finding a lot of fun by hosting a psychic house party. A psychic house party is generally held in the privacy of someone's home where that person serves as the host or hostess. The party consists of a group of ten people (or less) and lasts approximately an hour to an hour and a half. Individuals will be allowed to ask a question as they sit in a living room setting. Phil will read each individual's aura, work with their question, as well as give other pertinent psychic information to the individual. A house party is a fun and unique way to enjoy a gathering with friends and co-workers. The current charge for a house party is $450.00.
With the increased popularity of house parties, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find available dates. Consider hosting a house party during the early morning hours (9:00 a.m.) during the week or on a Saturday. House parties are booked a month or two in advance generally beginning at the first part of the month. You may call at any time and leave your house party request. After the calendar becomes available, we will call you back to set up a date and time.
To schedule a house party, e-mail Phil or call 607.539.1143.
With the increased popularity of house parties, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find available dates. Consider hosting a house party during the early morning hours (9:00 a.m.) during the week or on a Saturday. House parties are booked a month or two in advance generally beginning at the first part of the month. You may call at any time and leave your house party request. After the calendar becomes available, we will call you back to set up a date and time.
To schedule a house party, e-mail Phil or call 607.539.1143.